4 ways to add character to your home

Natural charm within a property is something that can be difficult to come by. Attractive timber qualities such as ceiling beams and timber doors create an appeal which is often sought after in period properties across the UK, but who’s to say you can’t create the aesthetic in your very own home? In this blog,…


How to plant out your real Christmas tree

Wood is one of the most sustainable building materials currently available, so as joiners we know it is the perfect choice for your windows, doors, or joinery. Timber and forestry also have a pivotal role to play as part of the solution to fighting climate change as trees are a natural carbon capture and storage…


How to get rid of condensation inside windows

Nobody wants condensation ruining their beautiful looking windows. It’s not just about looking nice either, if left to fester, condensation can cause some pretty harsh damage to your home (and your health). If your windows are very old it may be that they need replacing, but before jumping to this conclusion there are a few…

Soundproof sash windows

Noisy neighbours, excessive road noise or owning a property on a flightpath, can all have a significant effect on long term on a person’s health, well-being and quality of life. The cumulative effect of not sleeping soundly combined with constant excessive noise, can negatively impact all age groups making soundproofing windows a wise investment both…

How to prepare wooden windows for painting?

A tired and uncared for window will stand out for all the wrong reasons. So, if you’re thinking about carrying out some DIY to your property in the coming months while the weather should be reasonably dry, your windows are a great place to start. Here are a few pointers on prepping your wooden window…