
Nobody wants condensation ruining their beautiful looking windows. It’s not just about looking nice either, if left to fester, condensation can cause some pretty harsh damage to your home (and your health). If your windows are very old it may be that they need replacing, but before jumping to this conclusion there are a few easy things you can try to eliminate excessive moisture in your property. Afterall, condensation forms when water vapour condenses into a liquid. If the surface of the glass inside your windows cools below the dew-point (the temperature at which moisture in the air turns to water droplets) of the surrounding air, then it will form. Therefore, removing moisture is key.

  • Move houseplants.
    We know they look lovely, and they can really brighten your home during dark, winter evenings but, houseplants could actually be causing more damage than good during the colder months. For the science lovers among you, you will know that houseplants raise humidity levels because they undergo respiration and photosynthesis (they absorb water while making their food) and then release about 97% of this moisture in the air through transpiration and evaporation. They also generate more water vapours. If you are not into science, then just know that plants breathe just like us, they produce lots of moisture, so if you have lots in your home, you are undoubtedly adding to your condensation levels.The same goes for pets. For example, if you have a fish tank, cover it up to prevent excess moisture.
    If damp patches start to appear on your walls or the surface condensation on your windows and walls near your house plants vamp up a level, then its time to move them to a new home outside.
  • Invest in a dehumidifier.
    These nifty little machines will work wonders at removing moisture from the air and off your windows. Place it as near to the window as you can.
  • Do not dry clothes indoors.
    We can all be a bit guilty of this as it is harder to dry clothes outside in the winter. You need more drying time in the winter as there is less heat. Hang out your clothes as early as you can to take advantage of longer dry times. It may be cold, but most winter days are dry, sunny and breezy.
  • Utilise fans.
    When you’re showering or cooking, turn on your extractor fans and if you haven’t got one, it is definitely worth getting them. Steam from cooking and bathing can really contribute to humidity in your home so, keep it under control with a fan.
  • keep doors open.
    This may seem like a counter productive move when the aim is to ventilate but keeping the bathroom or kitchen door open whilst showering or cooking will only spread the humidity and moisture around to other rooms in the house. Instead, keep doors closed, but utilise fans and windows to keep the room really well ventilated.

If none of these tips have affect, your windows may be suffering from a failing window pane seal. When the seal is broken, cool air will find its way inside the window pane which means the now-colder windows will attract condensation that will not be solved by implementing any of our tips above.

Remember, if you have a wooden windows in need of replacement and you are located local to us in Hampshire, we would love to help. 01425 628 281.